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George W. Bush
5 Jan 2024 5:09 pm
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usa360 » 02 Jan 2024, 10:32 pm » wrote: Do people in this forum always attack one another and make nasty and hateful remarks. Being argumentative and standing on your own principles and beliefs is one thing but to slander and devalue another human being is not comprehensible to me in the least. For one it is extremely counterproductive and for two it's a severe waste of time and energy when instead of judging and defaming one could be creating possible solutions and discussing real change and positive growth and progress. Just thought I'd put it out there and see if I get a civil response or if I will get exactly what I expect and more of what is seemingly common in this forum - rudeness. But we shall see. I am hoping for some decency to show through for I believe there is always light to dispel darkness and truth to dispel lies and goodness to dispel hate.
They called me "Lips" at Yale, I was such a ***. 

But I feel butch next to you, little ****. 
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